.ca Web Sites Reachable by IPv6

This graph shows each web site under .ca that is advertised and reachable by IPv6. The organization can choose to use its own IPv6 address space or be hosted by a third party, both are included in the statistics.

     shows each web site under .ca (www.domain.ca) that is advertised with an IPv6 address DNS record (AAAA record).

     shows each web site under .ca that is advertised with an IPv6 address DNS record (AAAA record) and is reachable by IPv6. Normally, these two lines should be identical, since when a web site is advertised with an address, it should be reachable by that address. But, this difference also exists for IPv4 web sites.

     shows test web sites under .ca (ipv6.domain.ca) that is advertised with an IPv6 address DNS record (AAAA record). In the pre-production phase of having a web site reachable by IPv6, organizations often test it using a specific name usually ipv6.domain.ca. However, this is for testing purposes and over time should disappear. Therefore, the number should not be used too much to infer the status of IPv6 deployment.

     shows test web sites under .ca (ipv6.domain.ca) that is advertised with an IPv6 address DNS record (AAAA record) and is reachable by IPv6. Normally, these two lines should be identical, since when a web site is advertised with an address, it should be reachable by that address.

     shows each web site under .ca (www.domain.ca) that is advertised with an IPv4 and/or IPv6 address DNS record (AAAA record) and is reachable by either one or both. Therefore, this is the whole list of web sites under .ca that are available, independent of the version of IP. Download as csv